Package java.lang

Interface Summary
Cloneable This interface should be implemented by classes wishing to support of override Object.clone().
Comparable Interface for objects that can be ordering among other objects.
Runnable Runnable is an interface you implement to indicate that your class can be executed as the main part of a Thread, among other places.

Class Summary
Boolean Instances of class Boolean represent primitive boolean values.
Byte Instances of class Byte represent primitive byte values.
Character Wrapper class for the primitive char data type.
Class A Class represents a Java type.
ClassLoader The ClassLoader is a way of customizing the way Java gets its classes and loads them into memory.
Double Instances of class Double represent primitive double values.
Float Instances of class Float represent primitive float values.
Integer Instances of class Integer represent primitive int values.
Long Instances of class Long represent primitive long values.
Math Helper class containing useful mathematical functions and constants.
Number Number is a generic superclass of all the numeric classes, including the wrapper classes Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, and Double.
Object Object is the ultimate superclass of every class (excepting interfaces).
Short Instances of class Short represent primitive short values.
String Strings represent an immutable set of characters.
StringBuffer StringBuffer represents a changeable String.
StringBuilder StringBuilder represents a changeable String.
System System represents system-wide resources; things that represent the general environment.
Thread Thread represents a single thread of execution in the VM.
Throwable Throwable is the superclass of all exceptions that can be raised.

Exception Summary
ArithmeticException Thrown when a math error has occured, such as trying to divide an integer by zero.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Thrown when attempting to access a position outside the valid range of an array.
ArrayStoreException Thrown when trying to store an object of the wrong runtime type in an array.
ClassCastException Thrown when an attempt is made to cast an object which is not of the appropriate runtime type.
ClassNotFoundException Thrown when a class is requested by reflection, but the class definition cannot be found.
CloneNotSupportedException Thrown to indicate an object should not or could not be cloned.
Exception The root class of all exceptions worth catching in a program.
IllegalAccessException Thrown whenever a reflective method tries to do something that the compiler would not allow.
IllegalArgumentException Thrown when a method is passed an illegal or inappropriate argument.
IllegalMonitorStateException Thrown when a thread attempts to wait or notify on a monitor that it does not own (ie.
IllegalStateException Thrown when a method is invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time.
IllegalThreadStateException Thrown When trying to manipulate a Thread which is in an inappropriate state.
IndexOutOfBoundsException This exception can be thrown to indicate an attempt to access an index which is out of bounds on objects like String, Array, or Vector.
InstantiationException Thrown when an attempt is made to use reflection to build a non-instantiable class (an interface or abstract class).
InterruptedException Thrown when a thread interrupts another thread which was previously sleeping, waiting, or paused in some other way.
NegativeArraySizeException Thrown when an attempt is made to create an array with a negative size.
NullPointerException Thrown when attempting to use null where an object is required.
NumberFormatException Can be thrown when attempting to convert a String to one of the numeric types, but the operation fails because the string has the wrong format.
RuntimeException All exceptions which are subclasses of RuntimeException can be thrown at any time during the execution of a Java virtual machine.
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException This exception can be thrown to indicate an attempt to access an index which is out of bounds of a String.
UnsupportedOperationException This exception is thrown by an object when an operation is requested of it that it does not support.

Error Summary
AbstractMethodError An AbstractMethodError is thrown when an application attempts to access an abstract method.
Error Applications should not try to catch errors since they indicate abnormal conditions.
ExceptionInInitializerError An ExceptionInInitializerError is thrown when an uncaught exception has occurred in a static initializer or the initializer for a static variable.
IllegalAccessError An IllegalAccessError is thrown when an attempt is made to call a method, or access or modify a field that the application does not have access to.
IncompatibleClassChangeError An IncompatibleClassChangeError is thrown when the definition of a class used by the currently executing method has changed in an incompatible way.
InternalError An InternalError is thrown when a mystical error has occurred in the Java Virtual Machine.
LinkageError Subclasses of LinkageError are thrown to indicate that two classes which were compatible at separate compilation times cannot be linked to one another.
NoClassDefFoundError A NoClassDefFoundError is thrown when a classloader or the Java Virtual Machine tries to load a class and no definition of the class can be found.
NoSuchFieldError A NoSuchFieldError is thrown if an application attempts to access a field of a class, and that class no longer has that field.
NoSuchMethodError A NoSuchMethodError is thrown if an application attempts to access a method of a class, and that class no longer has that method.
OutOfMemoryError Thrown when the Java Virtual Machine is unable to allocate an object because it is out of memory and no more memory could be made available by the garbage collector.
UnsatisfiedLinkError A UnsatisfiedLinkError is thrown if an appropriate native language definition of a method declared native cannot be found by the Java Virtual Machine.
VerifyError A VerifyError is thrown if there is a security problem or internal inconsistency in a class file as detected by the "verifier."
VirtualMachineError A VirtualMachineError or its subclasses are thrown to indicate there is something wrong with the Java Virtual Machine or that it does not have the resources needed for it to continue execution.